It can be confusing to know where to begin when first listening to Sacred Acoustics recordings. We always recommend starting with our complimentary 20-minute recording, Sacred Acoustics Om, available after entering your email on the free download sign-up page. If that doesn't suit you, the download page includes samples of other recordings to try. You will also find short samples of every available recording on their respective product pages. Your favorite may be different from someone else's.
Due to all the various reported benefits and different people's responses, it's not always clear which recordings will help with a particular issue. Level of experience with meditation and other spiritual practices are certainly a factor, but it is important to ask yourself, "what are my goals?"
To help narrow down selections, we created a page titled "I Want To..." which lists a number of common goals and recommended places to start. There is a lot of variety and flexibility to the process because we are all unique.
If you are a pure beginner to all of this, even that can be a bit overwhelming. It's truly amazing how many things can be addressed when we can quiet the mind and become more aware of the neutral inner observer.
Repeated listening will result in cumulative benefits over time, so setting up a listening routine is useful. Many people choose a convenient time each day and stick with that while others with more flexibility listen at different times. It can get a little tiresome to listen to the same recording daily so variety will keep the process interesting.
For those just starting out with a regular practice, establish a daily habit of listening for just 20 minutes, at least once each day. For that purpose, we created Whole States, which includes a collection of three 20 minute recordings with both verbally guided and nonverbal versions. Beginners often find the verbal guidance helpful while others find it distracting, but we advise trying both.
Whole States includes three different brainwave levels - delta, theta and alpha, providing the listener an opportunity to experience a variety of expanded states. These same frequencies are offered in a 70 minute format and are especially useful for those who have trouble carving out time each day for dedicated listening.
Whole Alpha, Whole Theta and Whole Delta can be listened to in the background while performing other activities such as reading, studying, painting, writing, relaxing, etc. Many find the sound helps them to focus on the task at hand with fewer distractions. This format is useful in therapeutic settings such as reiki, massage or acupuncture and as music to accompany a group meditation.
If you are able to dedicate 40 minutes to your listening routine, Foundation Series 2 offers a different sort of variety and includes four sets of frequencies, starting with the same Om as the free download. Also included is a booklet or PDF with suggested guidelines. Learn more about the origins of this series in this entry about how Foundation Series was developed.
Everyone responds differently and listening firsthand is the best way to know with certainty the various effects that can occur. Headphones are key to benefiting from the full potential of NeuralHelix, our brainwave entrainment technology, due to inclusion of specialized binaural beats.
For further advice and tips, we have created a free series of training videos. Be sure especially to view "Getting Started" and "What to Expect" to be most prepared. Other tips are found on our Beginner page.
I really believe I can benefit from these acoustics and would love to try them thank you sincerely, Alex Garcia
Akustiklampor som är framtagna för att ta hand om oönskat ljud. Våra lampor finns i många olika varianter och färger så finns säkert något för alla.
I expect you will find benefit from any of the recordings included with our Creativity Bundle.
I’m brand new and I’m a painter.
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Knowing how to maintain a core sense of presence and balance creates a foundation of strength to move from empathy to compassion, and at your finest, altruism, when you take action to help another without concern for yourself.
Karen Newell
co-founder of Sacred Acoustics and co-author of Living in a Mindful Universe