Let there be Light

by Karen Newell

Let there be Light

Light and sound are two aspects of frequency that are constantly present. Just as we deliberately create sounds to enhance expanded states of awareness, Chris Levine creates light displays as sacred spaces for spiritual connection.

In 2015, our Golden Light recording accompanied Angel Presence — a stunning light display installed at the annual Frieze Art Fair in London. An RGB 10W-scanning laser was refracted through a cluster of Swarovski crystals inside the Danish Church near Regent's Park, creating an otherworldly environment of stunning light. 

As participants entered the church, they were given wireless headphones with Golden Light playing as they viewed the display. 

"If I can take people towards stillness with my work, through laser light, which is a very pure form of light, then it’s my duty to do that," Levine explains.

We are honored again to be featured in a display of Levine's artwork throughout August 2018 in Edinburgh. If you are fortunate to be in that area, check out Stillness at 136.1 Hz at the Pommery Bar in The Signet Library. This time, our Om recording will be featured.

"The overriding objective in my work is to draw people to a place of stillness, a meditative space where the heart and mind become balanced. By using laser, that is light of a single frequency, combined with solfeggio sound, there is a purity to the sensory input which resonates with the energy systems of the body. The audience connects and literally becomes one with the work — it becomes a meditative experience."


Karen Newell
Karen Newell


co-founder of Sacred Acoustics and co-author of Living in a Mindful Universe

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