Launch Your Awareness

by Karen Newell 1 Comment

Launch Your Awareness

There are many ways to approach listening to Sacred Acoustics recordings. One is to simply put the headphones on and wait to see what happens, that’s a wonderful way to do it.

However, there’s certain things that you can do, especially if you want to cultivate or generate different types of experiences, to help set your awareness free from the here and now.

One of those things is to establish a feeling of gratitude, trust and allowing or pick one of those words and just really feel that feeling as you’re going into each listening session. In combination with whatever verbal guidance you’re given or whatever other technique that you’re employing, really feel what that feels like.

This will help you to get into the present moment of the here and now. Once you do this, once you really put your attention onto the here and now with focusing on a particular feeling, it can then help to set a foundation for the next step.

At the beginning of nearly all of our recordings, with the exception of our sleep products, are what we call our om frequencies. Om is related to a number of very long standing religious and spiritual traditions. Om is known to be a sound that helps you to get into the present moment.

Repeat “om” along with the recording as you listen. This can help establish a vibrational state in the here and now. We encourage you not necessarily to follow the same pace or the same pitch of what you’re hearing; try going higher or lower based on your vocal tendencies and find a pace that feels right to you.

Try to vocalize “om” at least three times. You don’t have to do it throughout, but you’ll find that when you can establish that sensation of vibration in your system, it will then interact with the vibrations of the tones and help carry you into your experience, especially if you do it louder. It might seem funny at first, but if you can make that sound "om,” it helps to establish that vibrational state.

Feel free also to experiment with vowel sounds, it doesn’t have to be “om.” It can be any of the vowels, so “ahhh,” “eee,” “iii,” “ooohh,” even “ooo,” just experiment with all of those and see what gives you different types of experiences.

You’ll feel those vibrational energies in different parts of your body based on your pitch and the vowel sound that you are using. It can be very interesting to see which sound might help launch your awareness in a way that silence alone may not.

We have some further tips from our guest trainer, Dr. Eben Alexander. We work closely together, presenting all around the world different ways to expand consciousness using the support of Sacred Acoustics recordings, and he has further tips to offer you.

“Om” – that beautiful sound that I heard at the center of my near-death experience, at the core realm, that pure oneness, infinite eternity and the pure love of that deity was that sound of om that I brought back with me.

It turns out that sound, vibration and frequency were crucial during many aspects of my near-death experience that occurred back in November 2008. The beautiful melody that served as a portal to usher me up from the ugly Earth Worm realm into the much richer ultra-real aspects of the Gateway Valley. And then, the angelic choirs above in that valley that provided yet other portals to higher and higher levels, all the way out to that realm of Om: the pure perfection and oneness of the Core.

Some of the techniques that I have used with Sacred Acoustics recordings in revisiting these realms many times since, have to do with freeing myself up from time. For example, early in a meditation I will often revisit some early childhood memories and then let these memories expand into other associated memories and before I know it I am well outside of the now and the limitations of locality and time.

Likewise, space – what I often do early in a meditation is to visualize myself in my meditative practice lying on the bed or what have you and then expanding my field of view until I see the earth shrinking down within my field of view and then all of the solar system and then the Orion’s spur of the Milky Way Galaxy and then the entire galaxy and then other local galaxies all collapsing down until I’ve seen the entire universe collapsed into this tiny little ball, similar to what I saw during my near-death experience.

This is a mental technique in escaping from the locality of the here and now. It turns out that in the process of revisiting these realms we find that there are no limits. 

No limits. There really are no limits to what you can do while listening to Sacred Acoustics recordings and it really is just incumbent on the listener, you, to decide what it is you wish to achieve. Hopefully some of these tips will help you to launch that awareness into the unseen realms so that you can develop a more personal knowing of that energetic part of you that normally we don’t access in our everyday space. As always, if you have any further questions please feel free to reach out to us at

Karen Newell
Karen Newell


co-founder of Sacred Acoustics and co-author of Living in a Mindful Universe

1 Response

Katarina Nylander
Katarina Nylander

October 16, 2018

Thank you for the guiding and encouragement! I practice your soundmeditations several times a week and they are so wonderful and relaxing.

All the best/ Katarina

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