Interview with Larry King

by Karen Newell 4 Comments

Interview with Larry King

Watch Larry King and Karen Newell discuss the value of brainwave entrainment sound technology to help with quieting the mind in order to become more aware of the internal observer. 

Larry King's curiosity about what happens when we die inspires an enlightening discussion with Dr. Eben Alexander and Karen Newell. Do we maintain awareness after physical death?

Karen Newell
Karen Newell


co-founder of Sacred Acoustics and co-author of Living in a Mindful Universe

4 Responses

peter kruse larsen
peter kruse larsen

February 01, 2019

This is the truth. It is also revealed in the book called “Towards light” published by Micael Agerskov just with much more details about structure of the universe, the design of the brain, the true history of the events taking place on earth during its existence. About the beginning of the universe. About evolution an the progress og mankind ; the choice between god and evil and the way of forgiveness to overcome darkness of anger and revenge
It was published and mediated by some psychical investigators in the beginning of the 20th century in Denmark through the media Johanne Agerskov.

The true purpose of the life of Christ was to reveal to the people the true essence og God and to win back “the fallen” by praying for him in life-and NOT to die for our sinners as told everywhere!! We must ourselves as they tell about the two if them!
This is a goldmine for future investigations as well as the most wonderful truth about the world and human life.
Everything is clear and without contradictions.Everybody can know.

Nigel Adair.
Nigel Adair.

July 02, 2018

Hello, amazing interview with Larry King. My past communication with you entailing the experience I had will tell you I already believe in everything you say. But I’ve learnt to be silent with my relatives and friends, if I bring anything up of a spiritual nature they just don’t want to know, I can see it in the rolling of their eyes, it kills me especially with the older ones who I think would most benefit. Like you I don’t much like any of the religions though there is a golden thread in all of them, its only when those in charge interpret them to suit their own ends that everything goes to pot. ( ie. your God is different to mine so you are an unbeliever that I can kill in the name of my religion). I’m looking forward to trying your binaural beats cd’s can you recommend one particular one that I can use and live with for good results without having to buy loads.



May 25, 2018

Fabulous interview by Larry King, who comes from a well-known pragmatic, atheistic and politically conservative standpoint, and he asks all the difficult questions.


May 25, 2018

Great presentation that explores and reinforces my own insights. Really nice to find others with a similar awakening.

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